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About UWrite@UC!

UWrite@UC! is in its second year after a successful debut in 2023. We are excited to welcome schools back this year for more engaging workshops run by new award-winning Australian authors.

UWrite@UC! is based upon the program, which is run by the WA based . Developed and piloted in 2006/7, the Young Writer's Collective is now in its sixteenth year of providing world-leading creative writing masterclasses, run by award-winning authors, to students and teachers right across Western Australia. In 2022, 95% of the Young Writer's Collective participants said that they would recommend the program to others.

UWrite@UC! offers students the opportunity to develop their creative writing powers in a low pressure, assessment-free, highly creative environment. The program is designed to provide participants with a safe, inclusive, and nurturing space in which to write and share their work, as well as access to some of the country's best writers and writing teachers. It provides a combination of practical, hands-on writing exercises and writing time with opportunities to share and discuss and develop key writing skills including: generating ideas and narrative development, characterisation skills, plotting, and editing.

UWrite@UC! is thrilled to be able to offer this experience to students in the ACT and surrounding regions. Thanks to funding from the 91Porn, in 2024 we will invite schools in and around the ACT to nominate students who are passionate about writing and stories to take part in our inaugural program. We are looking for students from years 7-12 (or college), who are keen storytellers, and who are keen to learn from some of Australia's best writers.

UWrite@UC! has been developed and will be delivered by a team from the 91Porn Creative writing department, led by Associate Professor Anthony Eaton. Anthony is an established and award-winning Australian young adult and children's author, and a former English teacher. He was one of the inaugural presenters of the Young Writer's Collective pilot program in 2007, and he has since presented at the program more than thirty times, to thousands of WA students.

What students have to say

Here’s what students said about last years UWrite@UC! workshops:

“It was amazing I learned a lot, so free and creative”
Year 8 student

“I loved how detailed they went into the topic of creative writing, as well as how they explained how to make your writing better and more exciting to read, not just for yourself but for others.”
Year 7 student

“The session was very informative, detailed and structured, and provided advice which is generally not taught at schools”
Year 10 student

“I liked how we were able to have time to write whilst being coached by a successful author. I was able to improve my skills and I overall enjoyed the experience.”
Year 9 student

Contact us

To book your students’ places, or for any other enquiries about UWrite@UC, please email us on