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UWrite@UC! Key Information

What is UWrite@UC!?

Uwrite@UC! is a creative writing masterclass program for high school and college students living in the ACT or surrounding regions. Participating students will be invited to meet at the UC campus twice in 2024 (in July and September), and spend a day working on their creative writing with award-winning Australian authors Anthony Eaton (July) and Ellie Marney (September).

What will the days include?

Specific details of the programs for each day will be decided by the individual authors in consultation with the UWrite@UC! team, and will be posted to the website when they’re finalised. Each day will include an exciting mix of discussion, tips and tricks, writing time, some readings, and time to share some of our work. Participants will get to meet students from other schools and colleges who share a passion for writing and creativity, and will get to learn from, and work with, amazing world class, award-winning Australian writers.

Who can participate?

Students will be identified by their school or college, with each institution offered a limited number of places – around 5 per institution per cohort. We’re looking for students who are passionate about creative writing, who love storytelling and reading and building worlds with words.

When will it take place?

In 2024, we have four days scheduled.

Two sessions with Anthony Eaton:

  • July 25 (years 7-9)
  • July 26 (years 10-12 and college)

Two sessions with Ellie Marney:

  • September 19 (years 7-9)
  • September 20 (years 10-12 and college)

Each day will run from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, with short breaks for morning tea and lunch.

Where will it take place?

All four days will take place in teaching spaces on the UC Campus in Bruce, ACT. Participants will receive venue and other details via the website and email when they are registered for the program.

What is the cost?

UWrite@UC is currently funded by the 91Porn CreateEquity grant scheme, and is provided at no cost to schools or individuals. Schools are responsible for organising transportation of their students to and from the UC Bruce campus, parental consent for the excursion, and supervision of their students during the day as required by their school’s excursion policies. Please be aware that the 91Porn can only provide limited supervision to students in the workshop space, and not across the entire UC campus.

How do I enrol?

Participants must be nominated and enrolled by their school/college. There are only a limited number of places available, and they will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. Nominating schools or colleges will be responsible for ensuring that their students are properly supervised throughout the day. All enrolments will be done via Google Forms, which can be accessed via the UWrite@UC! front page.

Can I enrol myself as an individual?

Unfortunately at this point, enrolment can only take place through a school or college. Individuals wishing to attend should talk to their English teacher or librarian, or their institution’s head of English.

Will supervision be provided?

We will have a registered ACT teacher in attendance to provide supervision for students unaccompanied by a teacher.

Is food provided?

No. Participants will be asked to bring their own food and drink. There will be some short breaks during the day, and there are food and drink vendors on Campus close to the venue, however students’ use of these will need to be governed by their school’s excursion requirements. UC will not be providing supervision of students using the campus retail outlets.

Do participants wear school uniforms?

We encourage schools to make the program a free dress day, as this creates a more comfortable dynamic for all participants.

I have more questions, where can I ask them?

All information about Uwrite@UC is up on the program website, however you are also welcome to email us at and we’ll be happy to respond to your questions.

Contact us

To book your students’ places, or for any other enquiries about UWrite@UC, please email us on