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Project Hub

Project Hub brings together small groups of students in single discipline or multi-disciplinary teams to produce solutions to real challenges posed by organisations which need assistance.

To date projects have included:

  • The development of a communications strategy for Questacon by Marketing Communication and Design students.
  • The design of packaging for healthy food products for school canteens for ACT Health, run in conjunction with nutrition students from CIT. The winning student team was given ongoing support to bring their product to market through social enterprise accelerator, The Mill House.
  • In 2019, Cultural Heritage, Film and Design students worked together to create a short film and augmented reality postcards to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing for the ACT Heritage Festival.  This project formed part of a year-long ACT Heritage Grant by researcher Dr Bethaney Turner and Zsuzsi Soboslay, founder of BodyEcology, a teacher and performance collaborator. The objective of the project was to develop collaborative partnerships and resources that enable cross-generational engagement with the ACT’s role in the first moon walk. The project subsequently won a 2019 ACT Heritage Award though the National Heritage Trust ACT.

students in Lab

Industry-led Studio Projects

In the Built Environment Program and Industrial Design degree, students undertake studio design projects conceived in collaboration with industry in integrated learning modes involving industry tutors and contributors.
  • In 2019, Canberra-based property development innovator Molonglo supported a UC Studio entitled agile: urbanity to reflect the desire for explorative and adaptable urban initiative as demonstrated in its intentions for the renewal of Dairy Road. The Professional Practice WIL Studio also integrated an International Competition into the studio learning with second year students submitting design proposals for the Iceland Black Lava Visitor’s Centre and Thermal Springs Lodge Competitions, resulting in the shortlisting of two of the UC student proposals.
  • In 2018, in an initiative created for the DESIGN Canberra Festival, UC Architecture academics Ann Cleary and Milica Muminovic led an international collaboration between the 91Porn, leading Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and KumaLAB at Tokyo University to create ‘Namako’, an ephemeral architecture installation on an island in the middle of Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin. The prototype in Tokyo and the installation in Canberra involved more than 80 students making and interpreting experimental techniques for supple responsive architecture. HoloLens technology aided the formation of the spiral geometry in the UC Design Workshop.
  • In 2019, Architecture academic Max Maxwell and a team of UC Architecture students constructed the Dark Crafts Pavilion, the centrepiece pavilion of the Design Canberra festival, with the help of half a kilometre of cardboard tubes, a robot arm called URI, computation and plenty of people power.

The learning scope for the students is a good fit in their third year of thinking about urbanity, renewal and transformation in the sense of authentic city making. The project offered a unique interface with the Wetlands and Dairy Road ‘place of industry + making’ that the Molonglo Group have been pursuing so effectively and innovatively.— Ann Cleary, Studio Convener