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Annual Conference 2020

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ACT Education Directorate

Faculty of Education

proudly present the   .   .   .  

AS 2020 Conference banner
Showcasing the collaboration between
and the
ACT Education Directorate
through the
Affiliated Schools Program.


This event was hosted via Microsoft Teams. It was accessed by participants via the desktop or browser version of Teams.

Please refer to the 'Session Details' tab below for specific information and recordings of all the sessions.

8:30 Pre-conference activities
9:00 – 9:15 Acknowledgement and welcome to conference
9:15 – 10:00 Keynote Address #1 - Director General, ACT Education Directorate
10:00 – 10:30 Morning Tea - access to student posters
10:30 – 11:30 Workshop Session #1 - UC and Directorate research
11:30 – 12:30 Workshop Session #2 - Affiliated Schools Research Program overviews
12:30 – 1:15 Lunch - access to student posters
1:15 – 2:00 Keynote Address #2 - Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, 91Porn
2:00 – 3:00 Workshop Session #3 - Teachers as Researcher sessions
3:00 – 4:00 Mentor and School Placement Awards
4:00 End of Conference
Please click on each heading below to view

- comprehensive session details
- access information
- and all the links you need!

Each session is being delivered as an MS Teams Live Event.

Some sessions have a single Event for the entire session.
Some sessions have multiple Events.
Some sessions require you to choose between Events.

You may choose to join an Event via your MS Teams application or via an internet browser.

When you leave the Conference please complete our Feedback Survey



The Conference Registration Form is linked below.
If necessary we will be contacting attendees using the details you provide on the Registration Form.
By registering you will be helping us to help you.

Now get comfortable, check your equipment, look through the program, and make your plans for this exciting day.

Student Posters

Now, and during breaks throughout the day, please take the time to view the research posters produced by a cohort of our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.


Even with the best efforts of all, things can go wrong.

Please click on the 'Support' tab for details of how to access the help you need to get the most out of your day.

REMEMBER: By registering you will be helping us to help you.

End of Conference Feedback

Acknowledgement and Welcome

This session was hosted by our hard working Conference Organisers

Brooke Walsh - Education Directorate
Emily Hills - Faculty of Education

A highlight of the session is the

Acknowledgement of Country

presented by students of

Giralang Primary School

The recording can be viewed in fullscreen.

Keynote #1

Collaboration and innovation in a Disrupted Education World

Katy Haire
Director General, ACT Education Directorate

The recording can be viewed in fullscreen.

Morning Tea

Student Posters

Please take the time to view the research posters produced by a cohort of our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Workshop Session #1

There were 3 x 20 minute timeslots in this hour.

3 sessions ran concurrently in each of the 3 timeslots.

See the details and recordings in this table. Recordings can be viewed in fullscreen.

10:30 to 10:50 - ESO

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recording
Take the Lead With eSafety Nicole Agius Nicole Agius will showcase the responsive and proactive support provided to our ACT Public School students in the eSafety space, in consultation with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner, the AFP and ACT Policing.
Embedding Cultural Integrity in ACT public schools
Beth Craddy
You will learn about the fundamental principles of Cultural Integrity, why it is important, the support offered to ACT Public Schools.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Simone Dawson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a framework that schools use to get everyone – students, staff, families and the school community - on the same page to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

PBL is an international evidence-based whole school process which can be implemented in any school setting to support students from pre-school through to Year 12. Join with us to learn about the implementation of this successful whole school approach.

10:50 to 11:10 - Schools

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recording
The Place of the Arts in a School Improvement Journey Ainslie Primary School Team Ainslie Primary School will showcase their Creative in Residence initiative, including its role in developing future focused teachers.
Personalising the Learning through multi-age and multi-stage Margaret Hendry School Team Margaret Hendry School will introduce and explore the key facets of the school’s innovative approach to teaching and learning.
Empowering staff to lead improvement Mount Stromlo High School Team Mount Stromlo will discuss the critical role of a culture of leadership and learning among staff, and consider the measurement of impact on student outcomes.

11:10 to 11:30 - Faculty of Education

TitlePresenter(s)OutlineSession recording
Inclusive Education and ILPs Michaela Vergano This presentation will report a current study with secondary teachers on development of ILPS. Participants will gain an insight into what information is on an ILP and how teachers might look at the document to understand ILP process prior to teachers implementing the plan in a classroom. A discussion could occur around improving professional learning to support teachers’ understanding of the requirements of filling in ILPS.
STEM in the Early Years (ELSA) Dr Ilyse Resnick My research supports reasoning about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the early years. This work is part of the Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) program, which is comprised of digital applications and off-app activities that encourage children to play, experiment and make sense of the world around them. The Experience-Represent-Apply pedagogical framework is used to provide explicit intentional teaching moments in a play-based environment.
Enhancing leaders and teachers decisions about self-regulated learning Assistant Professor Shyam Barr This presentation will report an extensive study that occurred with school middle-leaders (e.g., Heads of Department) and teachers at a K-12 school in Melbourne between 2018-2019. Attendees will gain an insight into school middle-leaders and teachers’ thinking about self-regulated learning, and how it influences teaching practice. Furthermore, a case will be made for enhancing professional education structures to support the promotion of self-regulated learning in schools.

Workshop Session #2

There were 4 consecutive presentations in this session.

See the details and recordings in this table. Recordings can be viewed in fullscreen.

TimeTitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recordings
11:30 Self-regulation matters: Examining how an inclusive play-based program can enhance pre-schoolers’ transition to school Dr Deborah Pino-Pasternack
Professor Barbara Pamphilon
Dr Kym Simoncini
Dr Zinnia Mevawalla
Nancy Perry
Simon Barker
Katie Brown
Samantha Willey
A project proposed by Deborah Pino-Pasternak, Barbara Pamphilon, Kym Simoncini, Zinnia Mevawalla and Nancy Perry to be undertaken in collaboration with Isabella Plains Early Childhood School, Communities@Work, Franklin School and Anglicare.
11:45 Building Cultural Integrity with ‘Country as Teacher’: Investigating teacher engagement with pedagogies of Indigenous knowledge and being Dr David Spillman
Assistant Professor Ben Wilson
Associate Professor Katharine McKinnon
Chris Shaddock
Lisa Ison
A project proposed by David Spillman, Ben Wilson, Katharine McKinnon, Chris Shaddock and Lisa Ison to be undertaken in collaboration with Kaleen and Giralang Primary Schools.
12:00 Digital Pedagogies before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr Christina Lommatsch
Dr Tracy Logan
Mr Garrett Lommatsch
Professor Barney Dalgarno
Rebecca Gill
Linda Jakabwere
A project proposed by Christina Lommatsch, Tracey Logan, Garrett Lommatsch, Barney Dalgarno, Rebecca Gill and Linda Jakabwere to be undertaken in collaboration with UC Lake Ginninderra College, Alfred Deakin High School and Amaroo School.
12:15 Implementing personalised wellbeing learning at Maribyrnong Primary: A wellbeing pedagogy professional learning and action-research initiative Dr Thomas Nielsen
Dr Jennifer Ma
Anna Thorpe
A project proposed by Dr Thomas Nielsen, Dr Jennifer Ma and Anna Thorpe to be undertaken in collaboration with Maribyrnong Primary School.


Student Posters

Please take the time to view the research posters produced by a cohort of our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Keynote #2

Affiliated Schools: A partnership towards excellent teacher education, empowered teachers and student centred outcomes

Barney Dalgarno
Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, UC

The recording can be viewed in fullscreen.

Workshop Session #3

There were 4 x 15 minute timeslots in this hour.

There were 2 sessions running concurrently in each of the 4 timeslots.

See the details and recordings in this table. Recordings can be viewed in fullscreen.

2:00 to 2:15

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recordings
Encouraging students to know, understand and care for their local places Giralang Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Staff at Giralang Primary School and Kaleen Primary School have engaged in an action research project focusing on how to encourage students to know, understand, and care for their local places. Each teacher has adapted an existing unit of work so that this focus is now both implicit and explicit within class activities. They have also kept journals of their growing understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing being and doing that has been developed through several PD sessions and meetings with Indigenous staff from the 91Porn.
Facilitating authentic connections with families: perceived barriers and facilitators to family-school connections Margaret Hendry Teachers as Researchers Team The Margaret Hendry community is formed by a wide range of families, a cohort diverse in their languages and cultures. In our Teachers as Researchers project we have focused on the following questions: How can we facilitate authentic connections with families? What are the perceived barriers and facilitators in enhancing family-school connections? In this presentation we will describe our school context, we will present some preliminary data on our initial conversations with families and we will outline plans for the future.

2:15 to 2:30

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recordings
Encouraging students to know, understand and care for their local places Kaleen Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Staff at Giralang Primary School and Kaleen Primary School have engaged in an action research project focusing on how to encourage students to know, understand, and care for their local places. Each teacher has adapted an existing unit of work so that this focus is now both implicit and explicit within class activities. They have also kept journals of their growing understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing being and doing that has been developed through several PD sessions and meetings with Indigenous staff from the 91Porn.
TRACK – Stepping Into Learning Alfred Deakin High School Teachers as Researchers Team

This session gives an overview of the Track program (Tier 3 Intervention – education program). The session will provide theoretical underpinnings that have shaped the nature and direction of the program. It will walk you through ADHS’ journey of research, implementation and review.

We will share our use of data and a case study that we have used to review our progress in re-engaging students with challenging learning behaviours.

2:30 to 2:45

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recordings
Facilitating effective transitions into preschool IPECS Teachers as Researchers Team This year Isabella Plains Early Childhood School has undertaken research on transitions. As an Early Childhood School, we are committed to ensuring that we continue to enhance our transition practices, both from education and care services to school and at key transition points throughout schooling at IPECS. The introduction of three year old preschool at our site this year, provided a further imperative to review current transition practices to ensure a targeted and differentiated approach to transitions for children from different backgrounds, including those who identify as vulnerable.
Learners Doing the Heavy Lifting Bonython Primary School Teachers as Researchers Team Bonython’s pedagogy of choice is Inquiry Learning. Our curriculum implementation includes a ‘split screen’ approach developing learners’ conceptual understanding alongside capabilities and skills for learning. We call these the Learning Assets (Kath Murdoch, 2015) which focus on developing the ability of learners to think, research, communicate, collaborate and self-manage. Our project is exploring this focus across our school to empower learners to take control of their learning.

2:45 to 3:00

TitlePresenter(s)Outline Session recordings
Conversation protocols for peer-to-peer professional conversations Campbell High School Teachers as Researchers Team At Campbell High we have undertaken a project to find a conversation protocol to discuss practice on a peer to peer level. A focus group was tasked with researching and trialling different coaching styles and classroom observation feedback models. The group is now in the process of making recommendations with a view to creating a Campbell specific model to discuss practice.
Getting it “Write”: Supporting learning of EALD students Maribyrnong Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Drawing on successful strategies for working with EAL/D learners trialled in a 2019 Teachers as Researchers study, the 2020 project was designed to further extend the successful strategies to a Tier 3 personalised intervention program. The focus students of the project were in receipt of a targeted and personalised mode of literacy curriculum delivery. The delivery of the personalised program included online lessons from both their classroom and dedicated intervention and/or EAL/D teachers. Additional support for parents and carers of EAL/D students during the ‘learning from home’ delivery method was also offered. An evaluation of this program will be presented as a qualitative case study at the conference this year.

Mentor and School Placement Awards

A virtual award ceremony allowed us to enjoy the excitement of the Annual Mentor and School Placement Awards through which the contributions of mentors and schools to the professional development of our pre-service teachers are acknowledged and celebrated.

Mentor Award winners

Click to view the
list of award winners

Session Presenter Name Title of Presentation Email Address
Session 1 - ESO Nicole Agius Take the lead with eSafety
Beth Craddy Embedding Cultural Integrity in ACT Public Schools
Simone Dawson Positive Behaviour for Learning
Session 1 - Schools Ainslie Primary School Team The place of Arts in a School Improvement Journey
Margaret Hendry School Team Personalising the learning through multi-age and multi-stage
Mount Stromlo High School Team Empowering Staff to Lead School Improvement at Mount Stromlo High School
Session 1 - UC Michaela Vergano Inclusive Education and ILPs
Dr Ilyse Resnick STEM in the Early Years (ELSA)
Assistant Professor Shyam Barr Enhancing leaders and teachers decisions about self-regulated learning
Session 2 - AS Research Overviews

Dr Deborah Pino-Pasternack
Professor Barbara Pamphilon
Dr Kym Simoncini
Dr Zinnia Mevawalla
Nancy Perry
Simon Barker
Katie Brown
Samantha Willey

Self-regulation matters: Examining how an inclusive play-based program can enhance pre-schoolers’ transition to school 
Dr David Spillman
Assistant Professor Ben Wilson
Associate Professor Katharine McKinnon
Chris Shaddock
Lisa Ison
Building Cultural Integrity with ‘Country as Teacher’: Investigating teacher engagement with pedagogies of Indigenous knowledge and being 
Dr Christina Lommatsch
Dr Tracy Logan
Garrett Lommatsch
Professor Barney Dalgarno
Rebecca Gill
Linda Jakabwere
Digital Pedagogies Before, During and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr Thomas Nielsen
Dr Jennifer Ma (Faculty of Health)
Anna Thorpe
Implementing personalised wellbeing learning at Maribyrnong Primary: A wellbeing pedagogy professional learning and action-research initiative
Session 3 - TaR Sharing Sessions Giralang Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Encouraging students to know, understand and care fo their local places 
Margaret Hendry Teachers as Researchers Team Facilitating authentic connections with families: perceived barriers and facilitators to family-school connections 
Kaleen Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Encouraging students to know, understand and care fo their local places
Alfred Deakin High School Teachers as Researchers Team TRACK – Stepping Into Learning
Isabella Plains Early Childhood School (IPECS) Teachers as Researchers Team Facilitating effective transitions into preschool
Bonython Primary School Teachers as Researchers Team Learners Doing the Heavy Lifting
Campbell High School Teachers as Researchers Team Conversation protocols for peer-to-peer professional conversations 
Maribyrnong Primary Teachers as Researchers Team Getting it “Write”: Supporting learning of EALD students

Support to help you maximise your enjoyment of this event

8am to 4pm
Friday, 30 October 2020

Concierge Desk



When you leave the Conference please also complete our Feedback Survey