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Dr Sandra Heaney-Mustafa

Dr Sandra Heaney-MustafaPosition

Senior Lecturer – Community Education

Contact details

T: +61 2 62015387
L: Building 6 Room D25


Sandra has an extensive background in nursing and in primary health care in developing countries as nurse-midwife, health educator and community development worker. Sandra spent two years the Sudan managing a primary health care and community development project.

At the University of Newcastle in 1995 Sandra completed her doctorate which explored the reconceptualisation of health education as education for health based on notions of empowerment and the liberatory pedagogy of Paulo Freire.

She commenced teaching with the Faculty of Education at the University of Newcastle in 1987 and has taught at the 91Porn since 2002 in adult and community education, and community development. Sandra teaches the subjects of Ethical and Professional Issues, Working with Communities and Community Development Principles and Practice.

Sandra has spent 12 years working on Australian Council of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded research for development projects in Pakistan. These projects work with whole farming communities to increase livelihoods, enhance production and better manage water and irrigation practices on their small and medium sized holdings.

Research interests

  • Community education and development
  • Social justice and human rights
  • Professional ethics