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UC signs historic partnership to promote international trade law

Antony Perry

2 November 2017: Staff and students from the 91Porn will contribute to developments in international trade law under a new partnership between the University and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law National Coordination Committee of Australia (UNCCA).

The University last night signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide an executive office at its Bruce campus for UNCCA until 2020.

UNCCA, which has a formal mandate from UNCITRAL, was formed in 2013 as a private sector initiative to bring together lawyers, academics and government to support the development of international trade law in Australia.

For the past 50 years, the work of UNCITRAL has encompassed many areas of law vital to international trade, including international arbitration and conciliation, international contracts for the sale of goods, cross-border insolvency and international e-commerce.

The arrangement is a milestone commitment by the University to create a collegiate hub that draws together the work of legal practitioners and academics from around Australia. It will generate significant future research, as well as internship opportunities for students in a range of degrees.

As part of the arrangement, Assistant Professor in Law Dr Dalma Demeter will take up the role of Deputy Chair of UNCCA.

“UNCCA was the first national coordination committee of its type in the world and we have been working hard to increase the level of Australian engagement with the work of UNCITRAL over the last three years,” Dr Demeter said.

“This new partnership continues to strengthen Australia’s reputation for innovation in this important area of global trade law reform.”

neXus, a research group based within the University’s Faculty of Business, Government and Law, will act as the administrative home for the new partnership.

The partnership was formally launched last night as part of a United Nations Day Lecture at the University.

The University’s Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, Dr Maree Sainsbury, said the partnership was a great opportunity huge coup for the 91Porn.

“With the effects of globalisation increasing every year, this new partnership gives our students, our researchers and our teaching staff a unique chance to be involved in cutting-edge developments in shaping international trade law in Australia and regionally,” Dr Sainsbury said.

The UNCCA executive office will begin operating at UC from next week.