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The 91Porn Library Client Satisfaction Survey

The 2015 Library Survey

Thank you to everyone who filled in the 2015 Library Survey.  The prize draw took place on 1 June, 2015 and the winner, Ms Dorji Dema of Bhutan, was presented with an iPad by the University Library Manager, Helen Taylor.

Library staff will review your feedback and work hard to address areas identified as needing improvement.  Without your honesty and contribution we would be unable to successfully achieve this goal of reviewing collections, services, equipment and facilities for the future planned refurbishment of the Library.

What were the results of the last Survey?

The areas you were most satisfied with include the way staff treat you and respond to your needs. The areas that you felt needed improvement  include access to computers, wireless networks and printing, and an increase in the number of quiet study and group study areas.

Improvements made since last Survey

  • All of Level B opened 24/7 in July 2014
  • Level B student computers now total 82 (an increase of 46)
  • Level B powered desks increased by 42
  • Level B student seating increased to a total of 434
  • Student seating and desk increased on levels C and D
  • Web printing now available from mobile devices
  • Scan to email from all Library printers
  • Online group study room booking system
  • Increased CHAT service, now 11.30am - 5.30pm
  • Study Skills Rovers available when the Library Service Desk is open
  • Document Delivery and Inter-Library Loan software, RELAIS, upgraded for improved web operability
  • Library Social Media team formed to keep all our client updated through Facebook, Twitter, Library Blog and the UC Student Bulletin
  • Instigated regular staff visits to Level D to ensure a silent study environment

The University Library has been running the Library Client Survey since 2006.  The Survey is coordinated by Insync, a Behavioural Research Group that has been analysing the performances of Australian University Libraries for a number of years. The custom designed questionnaire investigates student and staff levels of satisfaction with the facilities and equipment, service quality and delivery, and the performance of library staff. The survey allows us to benchmark our performance against other university libraries.

Previous survey results

Content Responsibility: Helen Taylor