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Short Loan Collection

See also .

The Short Loan Collection, contains Required texts and Recommended items as selected by academic staff. 3-hour and 3-day loan items are located on Level B of the Library. 7-day loan items are on Level D.

 Maximum number of items able to be borrowedMaximum number of renewals per itemNumber of days items are held for collection
3-hour20Not applicable

Fines apply to all items in the Short Loan Collection.

If a 3-hour item is borrowed within 3-hours of the Library's closing time, it may be kept overnight, but must be returned by opening time the following day. These items should be returned in the Return Chutes, outside the Library entrance, or by using the self-check machines in the Help Zone on Level B.

Please note - external borrowers may use the material from the Short Loan Collection in the area but may not borrow these items.

For information contact: Reading Lists