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Work Integrated Learning Policy
1. Purpose:
      Developing career-ready professionals for the future
  1. This Policy provides the University’s approach to managing the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Program.
2. Scope:
  1. This Policy applies to all 91Porn courses determined under the 91Porn Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2013
3. Principles:
  1. Quality WIL is designed and delivered collaboratively through internal and external partnerships, aligning with course, student, community, industry, and external accreditation requirements, where appropriate.
  2. WIL is designed to be sustainable, inclusive, equitable and accessible.
  3. WIL is authentic and relevant to the discipline.
  4. WIL is linked to the curriculum and includes scaffolded learning and assessment that is designed to integrate theoretical and discipline knowledge and skills, and employability skills.
  5. Continuous improvement is embedded into the WIL Program through evaluation processes.
     Providing the fundamental standards and systems required to implement the WIL principles.

     WIL categories
     3.6     The University uses four WIL categories: Field Work, Projects, Placements and
                 Internships, and Simulation. WIL may be industry, research and/or community focused.

    WIL partnership model
     3.7     The WIL Program is implemented through the WIL Partnership Model. This model is
                 characterised by collaboration, cooperation and co-ownership.
      3.8    Stakeholder responsibilities are inter-related, with the shared vision of facilitating student
                 acquisition of discipline knowledge and skills and employability knowledge and skills.
    Quality features of WIL
     3.9    Stakeholders share responsibilities in the development, preparation, delivery and
                  evaluation of WIL.
     3.10   Quality WIL assures a positive student experience that enables demonstration of
                  discipline knowledge and skills and employability knowledge and skills through
                  integration of the following features:
Table 1: Quality features of WIL
Quality feature Description Key outcomes
Authenticity The degree to which the WIL activity is real, and its proximity to the workplace. The WIL activity enables demonstration and application of discipline knowledge and skills, and employability knowledge and skills within a professional context.
Integrated with curriculum WIL is intentionally integrated within a course and is designed to link theory and practice. Discipline-specific learning outcomes that are aligned with scaffolded development of graduate attributes.
Assessment Assessment is authentic, focused on integration of theory and practice, and aligns with learning outcomes. Demonstration of discipline knowledge and skills and employability knowledge and skills.
Inclusive practice All students have equitable access to full participation in WIL. Scholarships and bursaries, reasonable adjustments, and culturally appropriate service provision.
Student preparation Students require a clear and facilitated induction to WIL. Understanding of roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders (student, host organisation & University).
Student participation Students actively engage with the WIL experience in a manner aligning with professional requirements. Application and demonstration of discipline knowledge and skills and employability knowledge and skills.
Supervisor preparation Supervisors require a clear induction to their role relevant to the WIL category. Understanding of roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders (student, host organisation & University).
Supervisor participation Qualified academic and industry supervisors actively engage in supervision. Application of supervisory knowledge and skills, such as monitoring student progress, provision of feedback, debriefing and assessing performance.
Evaluation Staff, students and industry are active participants in evaluating WIL. Focused feedback on WIL experiences that contribute to ongoing improvement.
   3.11   The University provides a range of services and systems to support the implementation
                of WIL. 
Table 2: UC services and systems
Student services Staff services Systems
Careers UC
Complaints & Appeals
Graduate Research
Inclusion & Engagement
International Student Support Service
Medical & Counselling
Ngunnawal Centre
Safe Campus (online portal)
Student Advocacy Service
Student Centre
Study Skills
UC Course Onboarding and Student Toolkit
UC Student Mentor Program
Welfare Office
Careers UC
Safe Campus (online portal)

Professional Development
(Coordinated through Learning & Teaching)

Curriculum design support (Educational designers)
Demos and Discuss
External Expert Workshops
The SHED online
UCLearn Staff Support Drop-in
WIL-in-Action (Community of Practice)
WIL Module (in Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching (CAUT)
Curriculum Management System
Career Hub
Course Planner
CRM: Communications
Data Warehouse
InPlace: Student placement software
MyUC Staff portal
MyUC Student portal
    Governance and accountability
     3.12    The following committees are involved in the development, consultation and/or
                  approval process for matters related to the WIL Program:
                   a.   Work Integrated Learning Steering Committee (WILSC);
                   b.   Indigenous Australian Completions Taskforce;
                   c.   University Education Committee;
                   d.   University Research Committee;
                   e.   Academic Board;
                   f.    Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC); and the
                   g.   Student Representative Council.

      3.13   Evaluation of the WIL Program includes:
                  a.   Opportunity for student and industry perspectives;
                  b.   An annual audit of the WIL Program to assure the quality of work integrated
                        learning opportunities; and
                  c.   An annual evaluation of the WIL Framework to ensure the WIL Program is
                        responsive to the dynamic work environment.
4. Legislation:
External governing legislation
  • , and legislation in force in each state and territory
91Porn legislation and rules
6. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Experiential learning A pedagogical strategy that purposefully engages the learner in
direct experience and focussed reflection, in the education setting, workplace and the community and/or through simulation, including virtual simulation, to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop students’ capacity to contribute constructively to their communities.
Work integrated learning A form of experiential learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated with authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts.
Field work An approved activity that involves observing, collating information and/or collecting data/specimens.
WIL project A project, or activity, that engages individuals or teams to respond to a real-world problem or opportunity under the guidance of the faculty and client, or the faculty.
Placement and internship A placement and internship involves work experience (that takes place at the workplace) under the supervision of the faculty and the workplace supervisor.
Simulation Simulation, which can be a project or activity, involves authentic work experience that is undertaken in an imitated work environment, under the guidance of a supervisor. Simulation may be in the physical environment or virtual.
7. Notes:
Appendix A

Figure 1: WIL Partnership Model