
Prospective Research Students

The Centre for Research in Therapeutic Solutions currently hosts 10 PhD and 5 honours students enrolled in the Faculty of ESTeM. Students work on projects within the disciplines of molecular virology, respiratory virology, epigenetic and transcription regulation, muscle proteomics, and visual neuroscience. Our projects tackle diseases such as asthma, cancer, heart failure, hepatitis and myopia.

Students associated with CResTS benefit from our well-facilitated laboratories, including animal facilities, confocal microscopy suite, ion channel electrophysiology suite, real time PCR facilities, as well as up-to-date biochemical, cell culture and molecular biology equipment.

Our postgraduate programs place considerable emphasis on cross-discipline and practice-based research. Students are encouraged to attend local, national and international conferences and workshops to broaden their scientific and educational experience. In addition, our research Centre has a collaborative approach to research, ensuring a rich cross-discipline research environment, providing students with a variety of mentorship options.

Prospective students are asked to contact potential supervisors in the first instance. For current project and supervisor availability, please visit the individual group pages under our Research Groups page.

CResTs Students 
