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Annual Progress Report

What is an Annual Progress Report?

The Annual Progress Report (APR) is your opportunity to formally discuss and document your research and candidature progress with your supervisor. The APR helps candidates to effectively manage their progress and assists the University in monitoring your progress.

Additionally, the APR can be used to:

  • Identify areas where additional support may be needed
  • Report minor amendments to your research title
  • Provide an update on recently achieved Milestones


The APR is not used to enrol candidates. All candidates are required to self-enrol at the beginning of each research semester.

Who Completes an Annual Progress Report?

As a condition of their continuing enrolment, most candidates will be required to complete an APR.

However, the following candidates are exempt from this requirement:

  • First-semester candidates: Those who are in their first semester of study.
  • Candidates awaiting thesis results: Those who have already submitted their thesis for examination and are waiting for the results.
  • Candidates on Leave for all of Semester 2: Those who are on approved leave for the whole period of semester 2.

If a candidate is on leave during the review period, they must complete their APR within 30 days of returning from their leave.

How are the Annual Progress Reports Completed?

Each year, from September 1 APRs are activated in MyUC and completed through a secure online system.

Please note: To view the APR students must log into MyUC using their Student number and password.

The journey of Annual Progress Reports

All participants in the APR process will be notified when the reports are online and ready to be completed

For HDR Candidates

  • log onto MyUC and complete all sections of the report
    • APRs are located under Exams and Results, with the link to Research Annual Progress Report found on the left side of the page.

After completing the initial stage, the APR will be assigned to their primary supervisor for review and comments on the candidate's progress.

For Staff

  • APRs are located under Applications, Research
  • click on the link to Research Annual Progress Reports

Post-Supervisor Review for Candidates:

Once the Primary has added comments, the candidate must log onto MyUC again to review the additional supervisor comments.

Finally the Faculty Associate Dean Research (ADR)/Research Institute Director is required to log into MyUC and review the complete report and make a final recommendation

Final Submission:

After all reviews and comments have been completed, the APR will be submitted to Graduate Research. The HDR Support team will process and finalise the APR.

Important Notes:

  • To prevent data loss in case of a website crash, we suggest drafting your APR responses in a word document, or saving/printing a copy of your APR at the end of each stage before hitting the SUBMIT button.
  • Press the SUBMIT button at the end of each section to advance the APR to the next stage.
  • Ensure all information in the APRs is up to date.

Automated Notifications: Upon completion of each stage, an automated email will be sent to notify the next person responsible for review or comment.

When are the Annual Progress Reports Completed?

The APRs go live each year on 1 September and are due to be fully completed, including the Faculty ADR/Research Institute Director review, by 30 September.

What happens if a Candidate does not complete their Annual Progress Report?

Universities Australia advocates that all candidates studying an Australian research degree complete a progress report each year. For this reason, APRs are a mandatory part of a research candidates program. Failure to complete an APR may lead to academic probation or discontinuation.

Any Questions?

For questions relating to candidate information required for your APR please contact your supervisor.

If candidates and staff have any problems logging on to MyUC to complete an APR please contact the ICT Service Desk on 6201 5500.

Any questions relating to the online APR process please contact us.

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