
Progress Support Strategy

We understand that there may be unforeseen difficulties that you may experience during your candidature that causes your progress to come offtrack.

The Progress Support Strategy (PSS) is a formal process tailored to your individual needs to help you get your progress back on track.

  1. How is the PSS activated?
  2. How am I supported in my progress?
  3. What are the PSS steps?
  4. What are the outcomes?
  5. Helpful links

How is the PSS activated?

If your supervisory panel identifies that you are not progressing in your degree as expected based on completion of your milestones or progress against your Research Plan, a Progress Support Strategy (PSS) may be activated.

Formal Review Process

As a candidate your progress is formally reviewed twice a year through your Annual Progress Report and Research Plan Review. The Faculty ADR can recommend a PSS if your progress is assessed as:

  • Marginally satisfactory (overall assessment of 2 on the scale of 1 to 5)
  • Unsatisfactory (overall assessment of 1 on the scale of 1 to 5)

Other Circumstances

A PSS may also be activated outside of the above formal reviews if you or your supervisory panel believe you may benefit from additional support to make satisfactory progress. The following are indicators a PSS may be needed:

  • Overdue candidature milestones
  • Failure to submit drafts or keep to timelines agreed with your supervisory panel
  • Taking leave or an intermission from your course
  • Life events that may interrupt or adversely affect your research

To activate a PSS due to the above circumstances your supervisory panel must discuss and make a case that you are at risk of unsatisfactory progress to the faculty Associate Dean Research (ADR) who is required to formally notify you if a PSS is activated.

How am I supported in my progress?

A Course of Action Plan setting out goals, due dates and time frames will be developed by your faculty to address your individual needs. This plan will set realistic and achievable outcomes which may include:

  • Attendance at specific HDR Development, UC Library or third-party workshops.
  • Referral to University support services.
  • Changes in candidature such as reducing study load to part-time, taking leave or changing supervisory panel.
  • A prescribed program of work such as submission of written works, scheduling milestone seminars, submission of a revised Research Plan etc.

What are the PSS steps?

  1. Your supervisory panel will hold a meeting with you and the faculty ADR to agree on the Course of Action Plan. This meeting must be held within 21 working days  of you being notified of the PSS.
  2. A formal Progress Support Strategy Report including Course of Action Plan will be approved by your faculty and shared with Graduate Research.
  3. You will work with your supervisor to complete the items on your Course of Action Plan by the due date.
  4. You will report on your progress in the Progress Support Strategy Report by the due date.
  5. Your Primary Supervisor will provide an assessment against your Course of Action Plan and submit the report to the ADR for review and recommendation.
  6. Graduate Research will notify you of the recommendation.

What are the outcomes?

At the end of the PSS period the ADR will recommend an outcome. If you achieve your goals in the Course of Action Plan your progress will be deemed satisfactory. If you do not meet you PSS goals the ADR may recommend one of the following:

  • Be placed on extended Progress Support Strategy (duration of 3 months);
  • Be placed on Academic Probation (duration of 3 months);
  • Be counselled to transfer to a Masters by Research (if appropriate); or
  • Be counselled to voluntarily withdraw from the course.

Need help?

Graduate Research provides central administration, support and skills development for Higher Degree by Research candidates from application to graduation.

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