
Grievance Procedures

Dealing with problems that may arise during research candidature.

Candidates in higher degree by research programs may encounter difficulties of various kinds during study towards the degree. Most concerns will be addressed through ongoing discussions with the primary supervisor and members of your supervisory panel. Other University staff are available to advise on academic and administrative matters. You and your supervisor may deal with issues through the annual progress reporting process. The confidential UC Higher Degree by Research Satisfaction Survey is another opportunity for candidates to draw attention to issues affecting their research experience at UC.

There may, however, be difficulties relating to progress in your research program that you are unable or unwilling to raise directly with the supervisor or in the confidential survey or the annual progress report. Such problems may relate to supervision or the supervisor-candidate relationship. To address these issues the University has established formal and informal procedures that candidates may follow if they believe that their work is not proceeding satisfactorily for reasons outside their control.

Informal pathways for resolving problems include discussion with your primary supervisor (normally the first step), another panel member, a suitable member of academic staff (such as the Associate Dean), or the Dean in your Faculty. You can also call on support services such as the Student Representative Council (UC SRC), or the University Counselling Service.

If the issue is still unresolved, a research candidate may make formal representations, first (and if appropriate) to the primary supervisor, then to the Associate Dean Research, and finally the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation).

Student Wellbeing and Support may be contacted for for advice on grievance and conduct process, and Student Advocacy may be consulted for advocacy and support at any stage. All UC students have access to Student Grievance Resolution Procedures.