
Institute PHD Opportunities in 2019

The IAE has over 50 PhD students working on a wide range of research topics. We are looking for more students to work on a number of exciting projects including genetics, conservation biology, environmental DNA, and ecotoxicology.

Please download this booklet to learn more about PhD opportunities with the IAE in 2019.

Projects listed in this booklet include:

  • Fish Cytogenetics
  • Does dynamic ecological change cause rapid evolution?
  • Sex in Dragons
  • Unisexual Fish Evolution
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) for multi-species detection in Australian freshwater systems
  • Freshwater Fish Conservation Biology
  • Developing cellulosic fibres as biosorptive material of heavy metals in waterways
  • Using metal-tolerant hemp varieties for mine site rehabilitation
  • Formation of metalloid nanoparticles by plants
  • How does daily and seasonal temperature variability affect biodiversity?
  • Diagnostic biomonitoring to detect the effects of specific stressors on stream macroinvertebrate communities
  • Environmental variability and population dynamics of kangaroos
  • Cost-effective management strategies for wild deer in Australia