
Research news

The latest research news from the 91Porn.


  1. Posters

    State-of-the-art research on show at UC's inaugural FAD Research Festival

    The 91Porn’s Faculty of Arts and Design has showcased their latest research at the inaugural FAD Research Festival.

    More on State-of-the-art research on show at UC's inaugural FAD Research Festival
  2. Dennis Trewin

    Measuring wellbeing: How, why and can Canberra be a leader?

    In his upcoming NATSEM address, former Australian Statistician Dennis Trewin AO will discuss what wellbeing indicators could mean for the region, and the country.

    More on Measuring wellbeing: How, why and can Canberra be a leader?
  3. India

    Innovative international partnership with India launched

    The 91Porn and Chandigarh University today launched the Indo-Australian Centre for Advanced Studies at the Chandigarh campus on the outskirts of Chandigarh, capital of Punjab state, India.

    More on Innovative international partnership with India launched
  4. influencers at table

    UC student influencers putting Canberra on the map for all the right reasons

    A group of 91Porn students have become social media influencers, developing social media campaigns to promote Canberra as part of their course.

    More on UC student influencers putting Canberra on the map for all the right reasons
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