
Research news

The latest research news from the 91Porn.


  1. chris cross array - molonglo radio telescope heritage image

    The pinnacle of science in its purest form

    Experiencing science and how it has shaped Australia’s social and historical landscape was central to the Molonglo Radio Telescope (MRT) heritage and education partnership project assisted by the NSW Government through the Heritage Near Me program.

    More on The pinnacle of science in its purest form
  2. image of peaceful protest

    Contribute to change. Enact deliberative democracy.

    Can citizens avoid polarisation and make sound decisions? According to a recently published article in the journal Science we can by applying the Science of Deliberation to the democratic process.

    More on Contribute to change. Enact deliberative democracy.
  3. UC researcher awarded $1.3 million grant for bush medicine-based scabies treatment

    The grant will enable the 91Porn’s Dr Jackson Thomas and his team to roll out further trials of the new treatment.

    More on UC researcher awarded $1.3 million grant for bush medicine-based scabies treatment
  4. Evolution of Canberra: Blessing or curse? UnCover event series launch

    Evolution of Canberra: blessing or curse? Join a panel of UC experts to uncover the pros and cons of Canberra's rapid rise. UnCover launch event, 28 March, 6.30pm

    More on Evolution of Canberra: Blessing or curse? UnCover event series launch
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