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Cool alumni jobs- the sports media manager

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I'm Chris Gottaas, Media and Communications
Manager for Netball Australia
I guess that's the joy
about my job there's no such thing as
a typical day.

every day is different depending on
the time of year that is so
there's different and various
media requests are coming so we deal with those
we have everything from content meetings
that look after our website and our digital communications channels
we're pitching stories based on the
time of year, whether it's internationals
ANZ championships so there's 
no such thing as a typical day but
in nutshell it's on making sure that
producing engaging content for our
digital comms channels
and also promoting our athletes and our 
sport through traditional media

on tour
they're long and hectic days but that's
why we do it
I'm really there in a in
a support role for the diamonds
and and the players off the courts so
my job is to try to make them
household names
to promote them and promote
their personal brands as well so it will
typically involve a
team meeting in the morning where I'll let them
know about what's going on from there
we'll moving to a training session, I'll
typically do a couple interviews before
training session
cut those up and provide them to
national broadcasters
take pictures and provide those to
newspapers and web and
from those interviews all all rights and
articles for our website
typically do a media release and hold a presser
training and then produce any content
whether it's
uploading to Instagram or creating a
photo gallery on Facebook or
and editorial story for the website so
at my mornings is Content Collection and
my afternoons is a
producing and getting that out

I think the best thing about my job is
the variety that it gives me, it's
certainly not a a desk job there's
administrative work that needs to take
place which
isn't necessarily the the fun bit but
you've got to do it, but the the best bit
working with an incredible group of
athletes who
are incredibly conscious of their roles
responsibilities and their brands and
their role within promoting the
sport so
it's a pleasure waking up every
morning and doing what I can
to help them and
it's a two-way street they help
help us the same time so
it's fun work in sport
it's really hard to complain

I love sports so the fact that I can get
up every day and in go to work and
it's not really a job, it's
something you love doing then
it's a passion more than anything else so to go
to work and
and granted a lot the weekends are
taken up
but its a small sacrifice to make
to help the sport and
obviously there's stuff like international travel
which we get to do
which is always a fun bit but
yeah it's it's really hard to complain
about working love it

The Alumni of the 91Porn are using what they learnt to do amazing things and change the world in which we live.

In this edition of Cool Alumni Jobs we meet Chris Gottaas who is the Media and Communications Manager for Netball Australia to find out what its like to work with one of Australia's most successful sporting teams.

Additional footage courtesy of Netball Australia.

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