
The career resolutions to make now

Dream desk

With the start of the new year well underway, many of us may have already slipped off our resolutions train. If you're determined to make this year the best one yet for you professionally, we've put together a list of career resolutions that will help jump-start your progression, regardless of whether you are looking to make a change or need to invigorate your job goals.


Building a strong network is a beneficial way to increase your employment opportunities and professional relationships. Sometimes it’s who you know that can lead to career advancement.

Before you say, “I hate networking”, remember that there are plenty of ways to expand your connections outside of the usual luncheons. Start by attending industry conferences, workshops, presentations and fundraisers. Utilise platforms such as LinkedIn, which allows you to connect with like-minded people, join groups and share interesting content with your network.

If that all sounds too intimidating, at a minimum set yourself a goal to meet one new person every month. In one year from now you’ll have a dozen new contacts!

Get organised

One resolution we’re sure that’s on lots of people’s radars is to get organised, but where to start? Think of the new year as the perfect opportunity to get things in order. Take the time to find a system that works for you; rearrange your folders, declutter your inbox, start labelling documents concisely, and take those little steps to help improve your productivity moving forward.

Set yourself 10 minutes every day to keep yourself on track and get into a routine. This will allow you to think more clearly and stay focused on the job at hand by minimising distractions. Learn to work smarter, not harder.

Network fist pump

Up your skills

As your career progresses, so will the requirements and expectations of the job. New jobs and careers continue to evolve and its important to upskill whenever you can to keep yourself adaptable. Make it your mission this year to add at least one new skill or education to your resume.

Are there any technical skills that would make you more competitive in your field? Tools that can make your job easier? A management class that would better position you for a promotion? Increase your expertise by enrolling in a workshop or course or ask your employer for extra training on the job. Set aside dedicated time to read professional development material to help stay ahead of the curve. See this as an investment in your education and personal development.

Find a mentor

It’s no secret that finding a great mentor is an invaluable tool for your career. If you haven’t already found one, now is the time to do so.  Look for someone you admire, connect with and has the time to help you. This needs to be a relationship that requires depth and trust.

Your mentor can help provide advice on entering or changing an industry, career goals, mapping pathways or growing your professional profile. Alternatively, you might find yourself in a position to pass on your experience to others by becoming a mentor. Not only can you develop into a better leader, but you can also gain fresh perspective on the industry from the younger generation and help shape someone else’s future.


Jump right in

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your career is failing to take risks. Don’t be afraid when an opportunity arises to grab it by the horns. Start by taking small risks to help you get more comfortable; manage your post-risk dissonance and pay close attention to how you feel. A pro and con chart is a great way to lay out the specifics of the risk and feel satisfied with your choice.

Feel confident in your abilities and skills, if you are unsure whether you will meet all the desired requirements of a job, just focus on what you can bring to the table and why you’re the right person for the challenge. Trust in yourself.

Words by Stephanie Cossetto

The Alumni & Community Engagement Team are always hard at work planning networking and professional development opportunities for you. Be brave and join in the next time we have something planned, you never know what you might learn or who you might meet.

For a full list of our upcoming events please visit the Alumni website.

Life Skills; Career Tips