Farhad F. Elavia

Farhad F. Elavia
"I’d relive my two years at UC in a heartbeat"


Farhad F. Elavia came to Australia in 1995 to study at the 91Porn. In 1997 Farhad completed a Master of Business Administration in General Management.

Farhad recently spoke with the Alumni office and remembered being amazed by the size of the campus, but felt there was still warmth amongst all students, which helped him feel at ease and welcome in Canberra. Farhad was also impressed by the wonderful staff that assisted him as an international student, and mentioned how comfortable they made him feel at the University.

Farhad reflected on his memories of the University. "I made wonderful friends at UC. We are still in touch so that's definitely something to cherish. I remember the first time we spotted the kangaroos opposite International House. We were so excited, only to learn this was quite common. There are far too many memories at UC to recall. If I was to sum up – I'd relive my two years at UC in a heartbeat," he says.

After graduating, Farhad returned to India and began working in the advertising industry. Farhad has worked for many international advertising agencies including Madison DMB & B, EuroRSCG, Contract Advertising and Umbrella Design. Farhad is currently an Associate Vice President at JWT, a world renowned marketing and communications organisation.

When asked about what studying at UC meant to Farhad, he said "UC has been a vital factor for my success. I believe University life goes beyond just education. It is an all-round experience, especially for those international students studying in Canberra. My friends and I grew from young boys into young men. That experience cannot be taught."


Business and Government