Kate Bradstreet

Kate Bradstreet
Communications expert and owner of Kate Bradstreet Communications


After more than a decade of communications work for national media outlets and as a senior communication advisor, Kate Bradstreet was ready for a new challenge. She answered the call by enrolling in UC's Master of Strategic Communication program, earning her degree in 2013.

Inspired by the theories of organisational communication and new communication strategies that she learned through UC's program, Kate established her own communication consultancy business - Kate Bradstreet Communications. "Studying a Masters in strategic communication allowed me to step outside looking at communication at a day-to-day level and really be able to focus on looking at improving communication at an organisational level. The theoretical knowledge I learned at UC was able to back up the skills I put into practice."

In her role as owner and operator, Kate consults to several Australian government departments to improve their internal communications, public relations, and to help develop engaging strategies. "I loved the journey of setting up my own business and using the skills I learned through my Masters to help others be able to communicate better," Kate says.

Working full time, launching a new business, and studying for a Masters degree is no easy task. "The 91Porn is a great option for those looking to study post graduate qualifications in their own city while they are working," Kate reflects. "The flexible hours and arrangements make it a great way to fit into your schedule while being able to learn new skills at the same time."

As a leader in her industry, Kate was never one to accept an ambiguous and routine job. "Never settle for a job you think you can do, always pursue the ones you think you can't. Stretch yourself and your mind and don't get stuck in jobs that don't allow you to be the best you can be."


Media and Communications