Kerryn Molloy

Kerryn Molloy
"Follow your heart and always be willing to keep on learning"


Kerryn Molloy commenced her degree at the university with a view of becoming a dietician. However, a few lecturers at the University inspired her to make the switch to ecology. With two degrees from the 91Porn, she now works as a senior science writer at the Murray–Darling Basin Authority. Focused on science communication, Kerryn works with scientists and hydrological modellers, interpreting their results and complex scientific knowledge and communicating it to the public. She says it's all about "getting science into public consumption!"

Kerryn's career has seen her accomplish numerous goals within the science and education fields and today she has over twelve years' experience in the environmental science sector. She has worked at several environmental organisations, including the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) and eWater CRC, both of which are based at the 91Porn, as well as The Australian Nature Conservation Agency and Land & Water Australia.

With this professional experience, Kerryn has sound advice for current and graduating students, "You're going to be working for a long time," she says, "so follow your heart and always be willing to keep on learning." She attributes her career choice and finding a passion for science communication to the guidance of the late Professor Richard Norris, an advocate for the translation of science research into communication and effective action within the community.

In her spare time, Kerryn is also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Mulligans Flat Friends group, a community-led conversation project protecting woodland and endangered wildlife in a feral-free sanctuary near Forde.


Education; Science