Kirsty Cleburne

Kirsty Cleburne
“Opportunities are boundless if the effort is invested.”


Having grown up in rural and remote communities as part of a family travelling with the mining industry, the 91Porn was Kirsty's choice of tertiary education and a chance to enjoy city life. UC was a great introduction to living away from home for the first time and offered the networks and friendships that made life in Canberra as a student very fulfilling. When asked about her experience at the 91Porn, Kirsty says to, "Picture yourself at the coast, soaking up the sunshine with like-minded science enthusiasts and knowledgeable professionals discovering the world around you and its many complexities. What more could you want?" For three years Kirsty studied hard, made wonderful friends with both lecturers and students and learnt a vast amount about the environment.

She remembers that when telling her Grandfather who is an academic that she would be attending University he said, "University gives you important skills for the workforce. It is not just about the information you are given, it is what you do with it." Kirsty has been successful in gaining employment as an environmental consultant and also employment as an Operations Officer at the Environment Protection Authority where she has had the opportunity to apply University knowledge and skills to real-life problems.

The skills acquired at University such as time management, persistence, ability to work in, and manage, a team have been invaluable in the workplace and opened up so many wonderful opportunities. Kirsty loves the variety of work, which allows her to travel around Australia and work with experts. Even more exciting is that the opportunities are boundless if the effort is invested.

Since graduating in 2011 with a Bachelor of Environmental Science Kirsty has worked as an ecologist, contaminated land remediation expert, groundwater monitoring field worker, data validator, risk assessor, compliance auditor of Environment Protection Licences, inspector of licensed premises and a reviewer of Environmental Management Plans, Independent Odour Audits, Review of Environmental Factors and Environmental Assessments. She is currently working as an Environment Protection Officer in the ACT.

Kirsty is soon to be married to her best friend who was introduced to her through the 91Porn. Her studies always came first, but on the completion of her degree she realised just how lucky she was to have met Scott. Kirsty feels that the 91Porn gave her so much more than she ever dreamt of and none of this would have been possible without attending the University.

