Lisa Donaldson

Lisa Donaldson
Changing the world through nutrition and wellness


At UC, we pride ourselves in training experts in health and fitness, like two-time graduate Lisa Donaldson. Earning her degree in Education in 2000 and a Master in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2011, Lisa has had a fantastically diverse career.

For nearly 10 years, Lisa was a Primary school teacher, teaching students of all ages. After being diagnosed with a number of conditions, including Coeliac Disease and lactose intolerance, Lisa was inspired to return to UC and earn her Nutrition and Dietetics degree.

After a few years working alongside international nutrition expert Dr. Joanna McMillan, Lisa founded her own nutrition and health practice, FEEDinc. FEEDinc. is a Canberra-based nutrition, fitness and lifestyle clinic where Lisa gets to do what she does best – educating clients to help them lead more informed, healthier and happier lives.

"UC gave me the confidence to speak out and be heard," Lisa recalls. "I learned the skill of lecturing and presenting from my favourite UC lecturers. The 91Porn provided me with some outstanding practical experiences."

In addition to owning her own practice, Lisa is the Team Leader for the Nutrition Support Crew at Michelle Bridges' 12WBT and has been a group fitness instructor for over 10 years. She is also a member of the Dietitian's Association of Australia.

"I lived on Ressies and made some wonderful life-long friends," Lisa fondly remembers. "As a girl from the country, living on campus was a fabulous way to find my home away from home."

Lisa – we are so proud of everything you've accomplished in your career. Our doors are always open for when you're ready to visit your "home away from home" again!


Nutrition and Dietetics