Shirley Randell AO

Shirley Randell AO
Educator, advocate, mentor, leader

Master of Education, 1979

Professor Shirley Randell has become one of the most inspiring educators to ever pass through UC's doors. For nearly 50 years, Professor Randell has been an educator in Australia, London, Rwanda, and Papua New Guinea. Her accomplishments are wide reaching and expansive – enough to fill several pages! Professor Randell's dedication to the improvement of education for all, especially women and disadvantaged students, has been the focal point of her amazing career. With over 100 publications, dozens of awards, and an astounding leadership record, UC is proud to call Professor Randell a distinguished alumna!

Even from the start of her career, Professor Randell was an advocate for the improvement of education, and she began her career teaching Aboriginal and disadvantaged children in Western Australia. While completing her Masters of Education from UC in 1979, Professor Randell was promoted to Director for the Disadvantaged Schools & Country Areas Programs of Australia. As director, Professor Randell led program development, implementation and evaluation, and wrote several publications to better the educational conditions of disadvantaged students in government and non-government schools in all States and Territories.

While in Canberra, Professor Randell held a number of positions, including Executive Secretary to the National Women's Advisory Council, Senior Adviser on Land Rights, Immigration and Environment in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Director Programs in the ACT Schools Authority, and President of the Australian College of Educators. Later, Professor Randell was appointed the Dean of Administrative Affairs and Education for the University of Ballarat, followed by CEO of the Council of Adult Education and then CEO of the City of Whitehorse in Victoria.

For the last 18 years, Professor Randell has been instrumental in improving gender equality and public sector services in Asia Pacific and Africa, and she was the Founding Director of the Centre for Gender, Culture and Development for the University of Rwanda. Professor Randell has helped develop several programs and educational initiatives, including designing and developing a PhD, Master and Bachelor program in Social Science (Gender and Development) for the University of Rwanda.

As a world traveler, Professor Randell has adopted a number of foreign languages, including Bislama, Tok Pisin, and French. Through her incredibly far reaching work, Professor Randell has received dozens of distinguished awards, including Officer of the Division of the Order of Australia, Distinguished Alumni Award from 91Porn, and she was a part of the inaugural Australian 100 Women of Influence Award for "demonstrating significant influence globally and contributing to driving positive change in Australia".

Although UC was a small part in Professor Randell's inspirational career, we are proud to have helped her in improving the lives of people all over the world. Here's to Professor Randell's future and hoping she continues doing what she loves!

