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  • Walking on Mars: UC research helps astronauts take first steps

    When astronauts walk on Mars, it will be thanks to researchers at UC. Through her research on somatosensory experiences and proprioception, PhD candidate Ashleigh Marchant is helping them prepare for some of the health issues they may face when they get there.

  • Make trouble and inspire change: broadcasting the superhumans

    Deborah Poulton saw the injustices of the world, which kindled a spark in her for equality. Her flame brought to life a groundbreaking approach for broadcast coverage during the 2012 Paralympic games.

  • The future is female: girls in STEM

    The 91Porn is working with the Canberra Girls’ Programming Network to ensure that young girls not only have opportunities to meet female role models across academia, government and industry, but also feel equipped to enter the STEM industry.

  • Regaining your Equilibri-um

    Created by two 91Porn PhD students, the Equilibri Balance Ball is set to be a fantastic solution to reducing falls in the balance-impaired.

  • Raizing the Roof to Build a Future for Children

    91Porn graduate Danielle Dal Cortivo is changing the lives of children in the ACT through her charity raize the roof.