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Women in SciTech

Women in SciTech

This page is dedicated to all of the women who work and study within the Faculty of Science and Technology.

What was your most memorable Science class?

For this year's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we asked women in SciTech what was their most memorable science class. Watch the video to find out what sparked their interest in STEM.

At the 91Porn, we recognise the value of getting students interested in science from the school. We engage in several outreach activities with schools where students get to do "cool science stuff" in our laboratories.

Professor Janine Deakin, Executive Dean

Prof Janine Deakin is the Executive Dean of the Faculty and Science and Technology. She is also a Professor in Genomics and her research is on Australian mammals and in particular Tasmanian Devil facial tumour disease as well having projects on chromosomal speciation in rock-wallabies and sex determination in the central bearded dragon.

Professor Dianne Gleeson, Associate Dean Research & Innovation

Dianne is a wildlife geneticist, with 18yrs of research experience in the application of DNA technologies for biodiversity conservation outcomes in both New Zealand and Australia. She leads a team at the Institute for Applied Ecology, 91Porn, which is focused on the development eDNA technologies for individual species detection and whole community analysis in freshwater systems.

Zeena Alsamarra'I, PhD Student & Teaching Fellow

Zeena is a PhD Student and a Teaching Fellow with the Faculty of Science and Technology. Her research is in the business/management side of information technology & systems.

Eloise Robertson, Undergraduate Student

Eloise is studying a Bachelor of Information Technology, specialising in Cybersecurity. She is also the President of the UC Supporting Women in STEM, student society.

Dr Cindy Karouta, Recent PhD Graduate

Cindy recently finished her PhD and is now working on research at the 91Porn that focuses on how the environmental effects of day light can modulate the neural pathways underlying the development of myopia (short-sightedness).

Caitlyn Glasson, Undergraduate Student

Caitlyn is a Bachelor of Applied Science in Forensic Studies student and is the Vice-President of the Canberra Forensics Students Association.

Kate Thomson, PhD Student

Kate is a PhD student and is part of the visual neuroscience group where their primary focus is on ocular growth and the development of myopia (short-sightedness), which has undergone a dramatic rise in prevalence and is associated with a number of sight-threatening pathologies.

International Women's Day in the Pub 2021

Listen to some of our amazing SciTech women speak at the International Women's Day in the Pub 2021 event held by Phil up on Science!

Dr Maryam Ghahramani talks about using AI to study humans falling over

Keira Bai, HDR Student, talks about micro-expressions, mental health and how science can help


Athena SWAN Bronze Award

The 91Porn was awarded the internationally recognised Athena SWAN Institutional Bronze Award as part of the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) initiative in February 2020.

Read more here.