Centre for Creative and Cultural Research
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce ACT 2617
Higher Degree by Research enquiries:
Dr Cathy Hope supervised the community engagement of five whole of suburb play reviews that would lead to the design of a feature play space and whole of suburb play masterplan.
A Report was commissioned by Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) to outline the community engagement strategies undertaken by four design consultant teams between February and July 2019 for the Better Suburbs five whole of suburb play reviews. The purpose of the Report was to provide TCCS with:
1. A background to the whole of suburb play reviews
2. A summary of the community engagement strategies used in this project including:
3. Recommendations to inform community engagement in future play space projects.
Centre for Creative and Cultural Research
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce ACT 2617
Higher Degree by Research enquiries: